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Europe’s most amazing roadtrip

Kumipallo4000 is the most amazing roadtrip in Europe. It is a gathering of 100 spectacular sports cars and 200 great personalities! Above all, the event is about meeting other car enthusiasts and giving sports cars a selection of beautiful driving roads which they deserve! Of course, when on vacation, other forms of recreation are present as well.

Our driving events offer thousands of kilometres, destination unknown. This is something unique for a roadtrip! Every day, the route is revealed one checkpoint at a time. It is a great adventure towards the unknown! During the trip, voluntary checkpoint missions are given, and the best achievements will be rewarded!

You will get lifetime memories with us! Welcome on board Kumipallo4000.


Kumipallo4000 roadtrip has been organized since 2013 by finnish sportscar enthusiasts. The event has grown bigger and bigger each year, due to great demand. Destination unknown has offered hundreds of participants unforgettable experiences. During the event, you will get to drive thousands of enjoyable kilometres, see and experience some of the greatest places in Europe! In addition to this, you will be part of a society. Our participants are an amazing group of people which makes you feel like home!

Sign up for the next event! Welcome to the family.


Give your sportscar a roadtrip! GT is a good choice as well. Besides that, you need two people to make a team. Once signed up, you will get a confirmation email within one week. If your team would, for some reason, not be qualified for the roadtrip, your reservation fee will be returned.